
Watch 2016 T-20 Semifinals India versus West Indies in the US

Still wondering how to watch the T20 semifinal on 31st March 2016, between Chris Gayle's West Indies and Virat Kohli's India? Well, one easy and completely free way to watch it is to sign up for a free 7 day trial account with Sling TV . All you need is a credit card. Cancel after the finals on Sunday March 27th and you are home free. The sports package has Willow HD which is telecasting the T20 tournament live. If India gets into the finals then you can watch that as well. The way things are going right now they'll probably be facing England :) Even afterwards just the sports package is only $10 a month, probably worth it. happy watching!

Amazon Reviews - The Best & Funniest Lines

Vacuum Cleaners: "Charged 24 hours before first use. have kept plugged in constantly. Worked 3 or 4 times, used for less than a minute each time. Now it immediately loses almost all power a second after switching on. It has the suction power of an asthmatic cat. Garbage." "tough to pick up a dead ant" "Household Occupants: A 2 yr old chocolate milk junkie, a 6 yr old food spilling champion and a senior chihuahua who doesn't always make it to her doggie pad." Paper Shredders: Call this Bob Marley cause it ALWAYS BE JAMMIN! Chocolates: OMG, this SAVED me from so many possible future arguments. You have NO idea. Word of advice to anyone with a girlfriend that is addicted to chocolate, don't let her run out!!! Just trust me on this, you'll thank me later. Get the chocolate in bulk. No, it won't make her fat. Yes, she'll love you even more for it. And you will be happy when she's happy because she will not turn into a ...

Metra Ride - Crazy experience

"To open the door or not open the door?".... "The man he was accused of killing and was sent to jail for, is alive" . The woman was sitting in the middle of the top deck of the train compartment. Oblivious to her companion travelers'  indifference she continued to spit out these non sequiturs. The companions were, relatively speaking, doing extremely sane things, one woman was reading a book on " Stress Testing "... One was working on a packet of potato treats like they were going out of fashion soon.. most of the others were aurally wired to their music boxes. Now she pulled out her comb and manically or methodically brushed the fringe of hair in the front... I was of course furiously trying to capture the various non reactions of the other passengers. " the next station will be....... " came the announcement over the train speakers.. "The next station will be what?!?!.. She exclaimed.. Surprising everyone with a bit of lucid observatio...

Carry-on Baggage Size - America

Ever wanted to buy a piece of carry on luggage but you were not really sure what the right size is for all the various airlines? Here's a ready reckoner. I put this together because i was tired of going through all the individual websites, also find airline site links for reference, ALWAYS check to see if the information has been updated, American Airlines: The maximum dimensions cannot exceed any of the following measurements: 22" long x 14" wide x 9" tall or 115cm (56 x 36 x 23 cm). All carry-on items should be stowed in an overhead bin. Personal item  - includes: purse, briefcase, laptop bag OR a similar item such as a tote that does not exceed 36 inches( length+width+height) and must fit under the seat in front of you. Delta Baggage may not exceed 45 linear inches (or 114 cm) in combined length, width and height, including any handles and wheels Baggage must fit easily in ...

Mayslake Forest Preserve


Google Nexus 5 - User Review

Like everyone else i was eagerly waiting for the Nexus 5 was prepared to hit the checkout button the moment it appeared on the Play Store and i did. I love to keep a lot of pictures, music and videos on the phone, you never know when you might be bored of all the other apps right? So i ordered the 32GB version, with taxes (Illinois) and the slightly more expensive 2 day shipping it was about 445 dollars. Given the specs the phone claimed to have, money well spent i assumed, and i'm not saying it isn't, yet... Although the phone was supposed to leave the warehouse only on the 8th of November, it left much earlier and it was in my hand on the evening of November 5th. That's a neat trick Google, over delivery or rather early delivery will always win you brownie points (Side note: I was moving from the Galaxy Note to this phone. Before the Note I owned a LG P500 which was my first Android phone. Both i believe were trendsetters, the LG P500 a great "value fo...

Making Pulao

So.. decided to start blogging again. What do I start with? Making Pulao!..Siby's coming of age blog post... For many years I have believed that I am a good cook, without ever having cooked anything. Confidence eh? Ok that's not really true..I have keenly observed all the happenings in the kitchen from a very young age. As a kid whenever we visited Kerala during summer vacations , I spent an inordinate amount of time in the kitchen earning me a nickname that I will not publish. Me and sis started making tea and toasting bread at a very young age, fresh breakfast for dad when he took his break from work. So there you go, have keenly watched and actively assisted, but never really really cooked anything complex all by myself And the best part, when you have lived at home all your life you don't have to! So now's the time, to put those imaginary skills to test. MTR and their likes have made it easier for wannabe cooks to take baby steps in their culinary journey. So I...